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How to Make a Book

Have you ever wondered how to write a book? Where do the ideas come from? How does the author create those fantastical worlds and awesome heroes? That’s the easy bit. At least, it is for those who choose to self-publish their work. But how do you make a physical book? Read on to see what it takes to actually make an idea become a hard print reality.
Independent Author – A Pretentious Way of Saying Failure?

Indie-authors are everywhere these days. Amazon has given everyone and their dog the chance to publish their own pet project or imagined dream. But are these untested stories good enough, or is the path to literary independence the first step to admitting failure? Read on to find out.
Welcome to 2024

Welcome to 2024. Things will change this year as I move on with different projects that burn bright and light the recesses of my imagination. I’ll be bringing things to a close with a fantasy fable and striding out into new realms. Come see what’s happening.
Lazy Writing - A Scourge

What is lazy writing? It’s a moment of abject disappointment when you’ll often shout at the TV screen, or apply a little too much aggressive pressure to the spine of a book. It’s the moment that tests your faith in entertainment. When all the clever things collapse and fall into the abyss of stupidity. It’s when the literary gods abandon the page, when the soul of the streaming series dies.
A Boring Essay on Why Reviews Are Not Boring

A review might seem like a trivial thing. You’d probably not even consider writing one for most things. It’s something you only do when you’re blown away, or when you love a product or experience so much, you just can’t help but share it. Like those magic beans you bought at the market. For independent authors, however, reviews are vital resources. Read on to learn what it means to me…
The Adventures of an Independent Author
Ever thought about self-publishing? Thinking about looking to get yourself a literary agent? Well, the market is king, and if you don’t know what’s going on around you, and your book isn’t mirroring the latest fad, you might want to become an independent author instead.
Marketing, Glasgow Style.

Marketing yourself is hard. Harder still is getting noticed and standing out from the crowd. What better way to be noticed than by plugging your debut novel in a craft beer shop? Is it genius, or is it insanity? I'll find out soon enough but either way, I still get to drink the beer...
The Birth of my First Printed Book

Congratulations James—it’s a baby boy book. Hammer & Glass is now a physical product, a bundle of printed tree-pulp you can hold in your hands and read with your most excellent brains. Let’s have a look and a laugh at how this came about…
The Beginning in the Middle

Every book has a beginning, middle and an end—no matter how obscure those parts may be. But not every story needs to start at the beginning. This is why my debut novel, Hammer & Glass, is part four of a larger series. Why didn’t I start with book one? Let me tell you why…